Our museum collections consists of shipwreck pottery which are properly and legally excavated, researched and professionally reported.
Shipwrecks which remain undisturbed on the seabed provide vital information about the past. All object onboard are usually contemporary products dating to a few years before the ship's sinking. Such dated assembly of shipwreck pottery, legally and properly excavated, provide the confidence for any important museum display. It is therefore that we, at Nanhai Marine Archaeology, promote museums world-wide to exhibit our shipwreck pottery and provide visitors and other researchers with artifacts that are genuinely old and properly dated and researched.
The National Palace Museum, Taiwan
Victoria and Albert Museum, London
National Museum, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Bangkok University Museum, Thailand.
Singapore University Museum. Singapore.
Jingdezhen Ceramic Institute Museum, Jingdezhen. China.
Shanghai Museum, Shanghai, China.
Nanjing Museum. Nanjing. China.
Pacific Asia Museum, California. USA.
The University of Sydney, Australia.
The date we provide to our shipwreck artifacts is supported by both scientific dating, cross reference to other shipwrecks and research into the individual ceramics stylistic and technical development. The dates so provided are vital to fully understand the ceramic developments and related trade. As a consequence of our work and detailed research, we have been given "The best possible provenance" approval by number of international museums.
Asian Art Museum San Francisco.
Far East Antiqities
Museum, Stockholm.
Pacific Asia Museum
Los Angeles
Nanhai Marine Archaeology Sdn. Bhd. 25 Jalan Wawasan Jaya, 26 820 Kuala Rompin, Malaysia.
Phone: (609) 41 31 002 Fax: (609) 4132 996
Our display at the Victoria & Albert Museum in London, include artifacts from our Turiang (AD. c. 1370) shipwreck, the Nanyang (AD. c.1380) shipwreck, the Longquan (AD. c. 1400) and the Royal Nanhai (AD. c.1460) shipwreck. These items was selected to best show the chronological ceramic development and related trade
Should you be near one of the museums displaying or exhibiting our shipwreck ceramics, do visit and talk to any curator about the importance of provenanced shipwreck ceramics. See below for a list of our favorite museums.
Our shipwreck exhibition at the National Museum in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia show-cased artefacts from all our shipwrecks and thus featured a millennia of ceramics in maritime trade context. This exhibition was celebrated in the exhibition catalogue; "Maritime Archaeology and Shipwreck Ceramics in Malaysia"
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Our researcher Sten Sjostrand are seen here donating some Wanli shipwreck artifacts to the Director of Nanjing Museum. China
Nanhai Marine Archaeology Sdn. Bhd. was incorporated on the recommendation of the Malaysian authorities. This was done in order to formalize and to expand on the company’s researcher’s extensive knowledge of Asia’s ceramic developments and maritime trade.
The company’s researchers have been engaged in the search for historical wrecks for more than three decades and another decade researching maritime trade. Most of this work is concentrated to the South China Sea, a virtual highway for ancient shipping linking China to India, the Middle East and Southeast Asia in an extensive maritime trade system. This ancient trade started sometime around the 4th century and lasted well into the 19th century.
Following a successful shipwreck discovery, the company obtain a government permit to excavate the wreckage, and then carry out detailed marine archaeological procedures in recovering the artifacts, mapping the ship's remains and securing other data for future research. After each concluded project and following conservation of recovered artifacts, we search for and pinpoint ruined kiln sites and compare its wasters with the recovered ceramics until we are satisfied we located the place in which the shipwreck pottery was made centuries earlier.
Our arrangement with the Malaysian authorities is such that we finance all operations and train young Malaysian nationals (on our initiative) in maritime archaeology and related research. After giving all unique and single artifacts and thirty percent of all recovered items to the National Museum (and assisting with exhibitions of artifacts from each project) we are allowed to sell our portion of the recovery to finance future projects. The findings from ongoing research and the compilation of reports, books and catalogues are available on these pages as well as on a separate Internet site: http://www.maritimeasia.ws
Due to the unquestionable authenticity and precisely dated shipwreck pottery, many International Museums now display our shipwreck pieces as reference material.
The artifacts sold on this website are therefore legally and properly excavated and can be supplied with an export permit from the Department of Museum in Malaysia should this be required. This unique working arrangement makes us one of the few Internet sellers that sell from own excavation and deliver a meaningful Certificate of Authenticity for all artifacts issued with a serial number.
So, if you are interested to purchase some of our Antique porcelain, old time pottery or other shipwreck artifacts from the Song dynasty, Ming porcelain or Chinese blue and white porcelain or the famous Yixing teapots, you can rest assured that every piece is excavated through proper archaeology by our own staff. We do not sell anything that is not excavated by ourselves or properly recorded and researched before offered for sale so every piece comes with the “Best possible provenance”

Asian Art Museum, California. USA.
CY Tung Maritime Museum at the Jiao Tong University, Shanghai. China.
Far Eastern Antiquities Museum, Sweden.
Los Angeles County Museum of Art, USA.
Ulricehamn's Art Museum, Sweden.
Pekan Museum, Pekan, Malaysia.
Tioman Island Museum, Malaysia
Art Museum, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Hong Kong Maritime Museum.
Groninger Museum, Holland.
Guangdong Provincial Museum, China.
As of June 2014, museums/universities exhibiting ceramics
from our shipwreck sites include:
Nanhai Marine Archaeology Sdn. Bhd.
Kuala Rompin. Pahang. Malaysia
Nanhai Marine Archeology Sdn Bhd.